What we Love About the NetSuite 2015.2 Release


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It’s here! The NetSuite 2015.2 release has arrived and it has lived up to all expectations, delivering in spades.

The buzz-word for this release is definitely ‘user-friendly’ and for that reason we know you’ll love it. We’ve combed through the release and picked out the things we love about 2015.2.

SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS)

OK, so this is huge. SCIS, a web-based point-of-sale application, is scheduled to drop in September 2015 and it’s set to revolutionize how retailers do business, making life easier for customers and sales users alike.

Arriving in the form of a managed SuiteApp, SCIS’ sleekly designed-for-tablet user interface gives you unprecedented mobility over traditional point of sale transactions. What this means is that no longer are sales staff anchored to the physical checkout point of a store, instead transactions can take place anywhere throughout the location.

With seamless NetSuite integration, SCIS provides your sales team all the information required to drive more sales and improved upselling capabilities, with comprehensive customer data such as wish lists and saved shopping carts available to the sales user right at their fingertips.

Another feature of SCIS that we love is the endless aisle search function, which saves heartache for customers and saves the sale for your business. If a customer is looking for a product that’s out of stock, simply search the endless aisle for product availability across all your stores. Pretty cool huh

Website Builder Tools

SuiteCommerce Advanced users will be licking their lips with the news that Netsuite 2015.2 brings you exciting new website management tools which makes building and maintaining beautiful & functional websites a code-free zone.

The tools allow you to browse your site and make edits on the fly, all the while knowing what your visitors are looking at as you make adjustments to your PC, tablet and smart phone friendly site.

You can edit images, text, HTML and more, either by executing the amendments immediately or scheduling for the changes to be published at a specific time later on down the track. This feature maximizes user-friendliness without skipping on the power and functionality.

Procurement Dashboard

NetSuite has once again shown off their commitment to innovation in the procurement field by developing the procurement dashboard. You now have complete visibility and control of your supply chain in one single screen, allowing you to action, amend and correct items when and where they pop up.

The dashboard offers users reminders to ensure you’re on top of everything, KPI’s so you can track your performance as well as reports and searches which make handling your supply chain as simple as a click of the button.

Mobile App Enhancements

Mobility is the name of the game for any cloud-based solution, and NetSuite have continued to show the way in this regard with their bolstered Android and iPhone app offerings.

For Android – you now have the ability to view saved search results right in the palm of your hand, as well as accessing your dashboard so that you still have control of your operations even while out of the office and on the road – which isn’t a problem as the app will now automatically update your NetSuite time zone settings.

For iPhone – you can now ensure that you stay on top of everything you need to know with the addition of push notifications, which alert you of activities such as approvals and record creation.

What’s most exciting though is the announcement that the iPhone app now offers Apple Watch integration, meaning NetSuite mobility is taken to the next level. Just glance at your watch and you’ll see key alerts anytime, anywhere.


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What we Love About the NetSuite 2015.2 Release

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What we Love About the NetSuite 2015.2 Release

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