My First Big Bang Corporate Retreat

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I joined the Big Bang family not too long ago and when the first mention of a Corporate Retreat came up, I was intrigued. This would be my first corporate retreat and I felt a lot of excitement from my peers which made me very eager to be a part of it. The details were revealed a week before the event: this year’s corporate retreat will take place at Manoir Saint Sauveur. It would require us to drive 45 minute north of the office and we will all be spending the night at the hotel, surrounded by a charming neighbourhood, a shopping outlet and the beautiful mountains.

Before I knew it, it was already time to head to our destination. Upon arrival, we were greeted with delicious food at the lunch tables, and a friendly atmosphere full of pleasant conversations and laughter. After a few words from some of our directors, we were asked to contribute to defining future goals and objectives for the company through an interesting workshop. We were given a topic and, together, we defined the problem at hand, the success criteria, and three tangible action items to take in order to solve the problem. Each topic was based on current issues our company is facing, and it was a good exercise to get everyone’s feedback and to make the whole team be part of the solution. We were all working hard and bringing ideas to the table. In less than an hour, all teams delivered solid presentations on their topics. I was very impressed at what we had accomplished! Moreover, all the solutions that were developed were going to be implemented in the next weeks. It was very enjoyable and enlightening. In my opinion, this was definitely one of the highlights of the retreat. It was very heartwarming to see everyone put in the effort to find a common solution that would benefit the entire company. It is definitely what sets Big Bang apart as an employer. Every opinion matters, from intern to CEO.

Following the workshop, we had a few hours of free time before dinner. Our resort was stunning and included amenities such as spa treatments, a shopping area, a swimming pool, and much more. It was nice to walk around and meet familiar faces enjoying different types of relaxing activities.  We all looked after each other. So much that If you tried to work, with the exception of emergencies, somebody would make sure to close your laptop and get you to enjoy yourself! I finally understood why we call ourselves a family. Everyone looks out for the other. You could definitely feel the team spirit.

We all met up again for dinner, and what an interesting experience it was! Besides the amazing food, there were lots of announcements and exciting surprises that came up. Everyone was in a great mood and it was nice to see my colleagues unwind. For example, our Director of Finance presented the metrics in a funny tone which made her speech one of the best moments of the retreat. We laughed so much and we still talk about it today!

Of all the great moments, personally, my favourite part of the retreat was the campfire. The atmosphere was very friendly and casual. Everyone was talking, laughing, and eating smores while having a few drinks. I had many fun and interesting conversations around the fire, and it eventually turned into a karaoke party! I am very happy to have lived this experience, even though I have only worked at Big Bang for a few weeks.

The retreat was a great way to bond with my team, get to know people I had not interacted with much, and catch up with those who are not at the office very often. It was the perfect way to end the week on a relaxing and happy note! I am already looking forward to the next one.

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My First Big Bang Corporate Retreat

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My First Big Bang Corporate Retreat

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