The Power of Next!

The power of next

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Picture 80’s synchronized swimmers and people walking around on stilts (as you stare bewildered, wondering how they aren’t tripping on the uneven ground around the pool). Picture Courtney Love and Mark McGrath who isn’t ready to grow old, reminiscing about the good times when his hit song made it to number 1. This is how we wrapped up an unforgettable 3 days at SuiteWorld17 in Las Vegas.

Energy levels were at a high throughout the convention, and Oracle + NetSuite made sure to kick it off with a bang! A traditional Haka ceremony in suits, amidst balls of flames was what introduced the first keynote speakers along with original freestyle-like raps leading up to each new announcement. With Oracle’s recent acquisition of NetSuite, everyone was curious to see if all the hype had substance. Partners and customers were wondering what was NEXT. SuiteWorld17s token slogan “NEXT STARTS NOW“, followed us throughout the event and assured us that new and exciting things were on the way with Oracle+NetSuite.

Most often, acquisitions bring with them an uncertainty of what’s to come, but for Oracle, this was a strategic move allowing them to leverage NetSuite’s renown strengths, and to demonstrate to us that they believed in the success of NetSuite, announcing massive IT investments in the coming years to continue optimizing NetSuite and expanding its solutions offerings to clients.

What’s NEXT isn’t about what’s going to happen next to NetSuite… it’s about the next big things they have in store for us! From SuiteSuccess to SuitePeople, Oracle made it clear that they aren’t ready to slow down. 


As Gold Partners of NetSuite’s SuiteWorld 2017 we had the opportunity to meet with some die-hard NetSuite clients with great success stories, as well as brainstorm and chat with other partners within the NetSuite ecosystem. The content sessions made available to us were appealing to various audiences and industries, and it was possible to obtain very pertinent information despite being either a seasoned NetSuite user or someone starting out. As for the content sessions that were made available to us were appealing to various audiences and industries, and it was possible to obtain very pertinent information despite being either a seasoned NetSuite user or someone starting out.

We also had a little something to offer attendees which created quite the stir during the 3-day conference, an exciting announcement of what’s NEXT from Big Bang ERP!

Introducing the Big Bang ERP SlackBot for NetSuite

iphone-group-screensOur resident mobile expert, Nicolas (senior consultant) and our AI expert, Monica (consultant) joined forces to present something new that our team had been working on leading up to SuiteWorld – our very own SlackBot for NetSuite. Our sold-out breakout session caused a lot of buzz and everyone who passed by our booth had questions or curiosity around how our SlackBot could help them (no we are not being compensated to mention Slack). It’s easy: with simple commands, teams can harmonize information with bidirectional communication between NetSuite and Slack. Just like our Canadian team, SlackBot is as polite as it is smart. Since returning to the office, we finished developing our extender so we could give it (yes, give for free) to our customers. Read on about our SlackBot for NetSuite here.

And you, what’s your NEXT?


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