Beer Snob Abroad

Beer Snob Abroad - How to Quench Your Thirst in Mauritius

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Big Bang has a weekly beer club during our Happy Hour. As a founding member, Guillaume speaks for all of us at Big Bang when it comes to all things beer (and coding too, but definitely beer).

As you may already know, we have an office in Mauritius that opened late 2016. To my delight, I was sent to Mauritius to welcome our new colleagues to the team and ensure everyone was meeting expectations as far as our core values were concerned (Responsiveness, Teamwork, Grounded) and that everything was up to Big Bang standards. I have to admit, that first part did not particularly concern me since I already knew my colleagues were rocking Big Bang ambassadors but, would they be able to provide me with the standards I am accustomed to? Would they be able to provide a quality beer for my exquisite pallet?

I feared the worst.

Beers produced in hot countries like Mauritius tend to be pretty bland as far as my taste buds are concerned. Mexico has “Corona”, Lebanon has Almaza, Guatemala has Gallo and Canada (though not always hot) has Molson Canadian to only name a few. I did not expect much more than a small selection of light beer that would be used to quench my thirst, no more, no less. I never thought I would find anything that would make my pallet go WOW!

I’m not judging, Corona and Almaza definitely serve their purpose but as a wise man once said, “I’m not always drinking beer, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis” and we all enjoy one of those from time to time, mostly when it is not -20C (-4F ) . So as phoenix the air hostess asked me what  I would like to drink I said to myself” why don’t I add a thirst quencher to my list of beers” and ask her if I could get a cold one.

In that moment, it truly was the rise of the Phoenix. From the ashes that were once my hopes for a taste bud worthy beer rose the single best “Thirst Quenching” beer made from a hot country.

Phoenix is an average blonde with a very light taste but to my surprise has a soft sweet taste in the end. I assume that since they have so much sugar cane, they use it everywhere. Off to a surprisingly good start, I thought to myself but not enough to push away my pessimism.

After travelling all that way to what felt like the other side of the world and assuming only the worst as far as beer standards were concerned you can probably imagine my surprise when I slipped out from under the heavy weight of my assumptions and fell under the cruel charm of an array of beers presented to me at the Flying Dodo, a microbrewery, right there on the island just waiting for me to explore it. I had finally found paradise within paradise. Most of the beer types were represented: IPA, Stout, Dubbel, Lager and White. What is one man to do in a situation like this? I ordered the full set of tasters and tried them all. I did not judge them by their colour, origins or by the brewery but found myself liking them all.

Once the tasters were gone, we marched on to other so that I could deepen my bond with the divine.

What better way to kickstart the weekend I said to myself than with a 1.5L of sweet Dubbel Ambrosia.

I was under her charm and finally understood that I should not be judging a  beer by the country from which it is born but that I should be visiting each new office we open to ensure that our staff has access to the very best beer the world has to offer.


Can’t wait to go back to Mauritius to meet with my colleagues and share another cold one (good or bad). Cheers!


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