Note: Part 1 of Netsuite Mobile App Cheat Sheet featuring Expense Reports is available in our blog resources.
Leveraging mobile applications can make us productive and responsive with all the information at our fingertips. In Part 1 of NetSuite Mobile App Cheat Sheet, we explored that entering expenses in downtime (e.g. in a taxi cab, office waiting room…) helps save time and increase productivity. The same is true for tracking time. This article features the basics for Time Management with Netsuite Mobile App currently provides to its users.
6 Steps (and 2 ways) to Tracking Time on your NetSuite Mobile App
Step 1: Login
With a mobile phone with internet connection, simply login into its Netsuite Mobile App and select the correct role. From there, use the Navigation Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen to go to either the “Home Dashboard” (calendar screen) or directly to “My Time” to start managing time sheets.
Step 2: My Time
The “My Time” portlet on the dashboard displays the number of hours reported for the current time transaction and the total time recorded in unsaved time logs.
Step 3: Customization of the Mobile NetSuite Dashboard
Similar to the web version of the Netsuite Dashboard, the portlets can be moved and customized to your needs. A good example is the calendar, which comes as a Menu Bar offering many options for viewing and configuring your calendar.
A sales representative or consultant may find it extremely useful to review their tasks or meetings within a daily, weekly, monthly or a customized view. You can even view a colleagues’ calendar !
Option 1: Manual Time Tracking
Step 4: Track Your Time
Now that you have a snapshot of your time – what has been done and what is to be completed, you can start tracking your time. NetSuite for iPhone allows the recording of billable time and post time entries as time transactions directly to NetSuite.
On the “My Time” screen, select a specific date to view past time entries or tap the “+” button to add a new time entry.
Step 5: Edit and Save
Like any other NetSuite’s record, Edit by filling in any relevant fields, Save, Cancel or even Reset all fields to the latest saved data.Don’t forget to save, or your entry will be lost.
Option 2: Timer Time Tracking
Step 4: Create a Timer Time Log
Another way to track time is to use the Timer. It enables time tracking for tasks or with clients by tracking events and creating time logs of activities. Time logs are stored securely within the app, ready to be converted into time entries.
Create a Time Log using the Start, Stop and Save, which can be edited at any time.
Step 5: Convert Time into Entries
Convert time logs into time entries by tapping the required time log in the list, then taping the “Use for Time Entry” button.
Step 6: Congratulations
And voila! Your employee lying on the beach, in transit, or while sipping a coffee during a break has just entered their time in only a few minutes.
Reminder: Do not forget “The Things to Remember when Going Mobile” from Part 1 of NetSuite Mobile App Cheat Sheet (copied below here)
Things to Remember when Going Mobile:
Make sure the Employees have a role with “Mobile Device Access”
Set up > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > Permissions
This gives the employee access to the mobile app of NetSuite, first for Expense Report, but also (if the role allows it) they can access any record via the app.
You should make sure Mobile access is enabled for the company with the Mobile Push Notification in order to notify expense approvers.
To do so:
Set up > Company > Enable Feature.
There are tons of fantastic in-built features contained in the NetSuite mobile app, and if you need help unlocking the power and freeing your workforce just reach out to one of our NetSuite experts and we can put you on the right path towards a barrier-free workplace.