International Cloud Computing Program Announces Shortlist
Montreal, QC – 18 December 2015 – Big Bang ERP has made the shortlist in the 2015-2016 Cloud Awards Program in the category Best Cloud Consultancy / Systems Integrator of the Year.
With awards for excellence and innovation in cloud computing, the cloud computing awards program accepts entries from across the globe, including the US, Canada, Australasia and EMEA. Entries are accepted from organizations of any size and include start-ups and government bodies. The program is now in its fifth year.
In 2015-16, categories include Best Software as a Service, Data Innovation of the Year, “Best in Mobile” Cloud Solution and Most Promising Start-Up.
Big Bang ERP CEO welcomed the recognition that the Cloud Awards Program offered leading consulting firms.
“To be recognized in the Best Cloud Consultancy/Systems Integrator category is fantastic reward for all the hard work our team has undertaken this year. Being included in this list and considered for the award is a great honour and celebrates our unwavering commitment to providing our customers with the best possible service.”
Cloud Awards organizer Larry Johnson said: “In our fifth year of recognizing the best of the best – not just the monoliths within the space, but all of the cloud organizations which offer real innovation and value to their users – we are still delighted to find new names pushing hard, and established names responding by pushing the envelope still harder.
“The Cloud is all about adding value in a lean, cost-effective way, utilizing the latest technologies and methodologies to benefit the end-user. That’s what we are continuing to see in 2015.
“What’s even more exciting is that we’re still seeing more applicants in 2015 from much farther afield than the USA – Europe, Canada, the UK, Australia, Asia. It’s an exciting time – as one of the oldest and best-established recognition platforms for innovation and excellence in the cloud, this is the place to be. We have a tireless quest to throw light on best-of-breed cloud performers. Watch this space to see who our judges have selected as the winners, but know that every organization on the shortlist is worthy of your time.”
Over 300 organizations entered, with entries coming from across the globe, covering the Americas, Australia, Europe and the Middle East.
Final winners will be announced on Thursday 28 January 2016.
About Big Bang ERP
Big Bang ERP is a boutique-consulting firm that helps businesses optimize and streamline their operations by implementing cloud-based CRM and ERP solutions. Their highly-skilled team of experts works hand-in-hand with organizations to achieve exceptional business improvements with cloud business solutions. For more information about Big Bang ERP, visit its website at
About the Cloud Awards
The Cloud Awards is an international program which has been recognizing and honoring industry leaders, innovators and organizational transformation in cloud computing since 2011. The awards are open to large, small, established and start-up organizations from across the entire globe, with an aim to find and celebrate the pioneers who will shape the future of the Cloud as we move into 2016 and beyond. Categories include the Software as a Service award, Most Promising Start-Up, and “Best in Mobile” Cloud Solution. Finalists were selected by a judging panel of international industry experts. For more information about the Cloud Awards please visit
For more information please contact:
For Big Bang ERP
Kimberly Marx, Director of Marketing
Big Bang ERP
105 De Louvain West
Montreal, Quebec
H2N 1A3
Phone: 1-844-361-4408
For the Cloud Awards
Larry Johnson – 2015-16 organizer