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Pulsar Magazine: 2023 Edition Launch

MONTREAL, QUEBEC – February 13th, 2023 – International, award-winning cloud-consulting firm, Big Bang, publishes the third edition of their free print and digital magazine called Pulsar. Following positive feedback...

Pulsar Magazine: 2022 Edition Launch

MONTREAL, QUEBEC – January 25, 2022 – International, award-winning cloud-consulting firm, Big Bang, publishes the second edition of their free print and digital magazine called Pulsar. After the widespread...

The Myth of the Great Resignation

We’ve been seeing an unprecedented surge in the job market that, for the first time, is outpacing the jitters of the real estate market. In today’s world, any individual...

Pulsar Magazine: 2023 Edition Launch

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Pulsar Magazine: 2023 Edition Launch

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Become the master of your organization’s business systems – without a headache.

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